At we want you to know exactly how and when we collect and use information that can specifically identify you, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
We do not require that you provide, nor do we collect, any personal information if you are just browsing the Site. If you browse through this site without providing us with any personal information, we will gather and store some information about your visit, such as IP address, type of browser and operating system used, date and time you access our site, pages you visit, and if you linked to our website from another website, the address of that website. This information will not identify you personally and will not be linked back to you. Any personal information which we collect from you will only be used for the purposes identified in this Privacy Statement, the ethnic wear of India Terms of Use and your applicable Member Agreement with ethnic wear of India, and as may otherwise be indicated at the time the information is collected. will not disclose your personal information to any third party. At no time will we sell your personally-identifiable data without your permission unless set forth in this Privacy Policy. The information we receive about you or from you may be used by us or shared by us with our corporate affiliates, dealers, agents, vendors and other third parties to help process your request; to comply with any law, regulation, audit or court order; to help improve our website or the products or services we offer; for research; to better understand our customers' needs; to develop new offerings; and to alert you to new products and services (of us or our business associates) in which you may be interested. We may also combine information you provide us with information about you that is available to us internally or from other sources in order to better serve you.
In certain instances, ethnic wear of India may request that you provide some information (e.g., demographic information), which we may use, for example, to learn more about our customers and to develop and improve our services. We may compile your personal information with that collected from other customers to create aggregate data. Aggregate data is information about groups of customers and, once compiled, will in no way identify you as an individual. We may disclose aggregate data to our business affiliates, advertisers, and other parties. Your personal identity shall not be revealed in any case.
Our web servers collect from Site visitors’ statistical information regarding what pages are visited, the date and time of the visits, how long it took a user to download a page, and the TCP/IP address of the user. These automated server functions do not collect this information in a manner intended to identify your individual use of the Site, nor do we use this information for any such purpose. This information is collected to assist us in maintaining a high quality site, as well as, providing necessary traffic information to our advertisers.
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If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please e-mail your questions to us at 
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